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Welcome to Breaking Through Wellness

America's Leading Program & Results for Women 35+ Ready to Ditch Perimenopause Hormone Havoc: Feel Your Best, Maximize a Fit Physique or Run Strong & Injury-Free... with less stress!

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It's not you, it's your changing hormones. Watch & learn how we help you unlock your best!

I'm Ready to Feel My Best!

When we know simple & sustainable ways to work with our changing hormones, we crush our goals at any age!

Here's why you're stuck & what you can do about it: 

Sound like you?

You can't stand another day feeling stuck with symptoms like fatigue, brain fog, weight gain, bloating, belly fat, energy crashes, low mood, shitty sleep, anxiety, sluggish workouts, slowing running, frequent injuries, slow recovery, cravings, hair loss &/or lack of results looking lean & toned.

You work hard to be well, eat well, look fit &/or love to run. You want to feel your best again! It means the world to you to set a healthy example for your kids. You want to maximize your metabolism, mental clarity, libido & mood so you can feel like you again, enjoy a healthy relationship with food, intimacy in your marriage & beautifully fit strong body that radiates vibrance as you age!

You want to do everything you can to PREVENT all these crazy symptoms, health & fitness decline with a balanced holistic lifestyle. You don't accept, "This is just aging, nothing you can do about it."

You're ready to unlock your potential & understand your body's changing needs. You're Type A & want science-based methods to drive best results.

You're motivated, but can't keep running on fumes. You need to keep it simple & efficient as hell.

If this is you, WELCOME to the RIGHT place!

Hi! I'm Louise, named one of the world's leading health & fitness experts, a published researcher, award-winning integrative health practitioner & top podcast founder. My industry-leading methods come from my journey turning my breakdowns into breakthroughs as a busy working mom who despite tremendous obstacles unlocked my female body's ability to be energized, well, fit & run strong!

#1 It's NOT you, it's your changing hormones. The fact nothing is working is NOT your fault.

#2. You're active & care about your health, already eating well, exercising &/or running: Your doctor has very little idea how to help someone who appears well, is dedicated to being active & doesn't want a lifetime of meds. Or, you pay out the you-know-what for labs & supplements with a functional doc to address "root causes", never understanding what was changing in your female body & what to do about it in the first place! (most true root causes can be addressed with simple whole food nutrition strategies)

#3. Diet programs & perimenopause expert advice for the general population won't work for an active woman, fitness lover or runner: Why we gain weight, belly fat, bloat, have cravings, feel energy crashes, can't sleep, etc. is different than someone who isn't eating well or moving much. (what most advice & diets are made for) Low calorie, low carb & restrictive approaches leave us with hormone, metabolism & gut health damage, killing our success in the gym, our running & the way we feel in day-to-day life FAST!

#4. As an award-winning Physiologist leading the way in rewriting women's health, fitness & running outcomes throughout the world, I see so many fitness professionals, dietitians, run coaches & holistic practitioners using weight lifting, cardio, nutrition & run plans that work directly AGAINST our female 35+ physiology, ADDING to our perimenopause hell: Yes, your approach to running can be a root cause of your muscle loss, weight gain, why you feel so sluggish, why your hormones seem erratic, why you need HRT &/or see undesirable physique changes. Yes, you can be using counterproductive lifting strategies that impair your sleep, add belly fat, leave you injured, without libido or needing a boatload of HRT. I also see well meaning women joining group fitness or lifting classes that are unfortunately generalized & not designed to help you achieve the physique, injury prevention or performance goals you desire (ex: tone a specific area or run strong & injury-free for life while looking fit & feeling fabulous!) 

#5. Finally, fueling our fitness results changes dramatically after 35, which is why nutrition plans, sports nutrition & fat loss strategies leave you feeling like perimenopause symptoms came early & are erratic as hell, leaving you with weight gain & low energy vs. fat loss & performing your best. Even when I worked in research, the NFL & pro sports, I tried ALL the cutting-edge wellness, supplement & performance hacks. Virtually nothing worked well or it was directly counterproductive to feeling, looking & running my best because it was never designed to address root cause of what's holding us back in our FEMALE body in the first place, especially when we are stressed out working moms trying to do it all! Even the "best" strategies can leave us more fatigued, slowing down, injured, sick, lacking a toned look & feeling like we have no metabolism, libido or resemblance of our fit or vibrantly well life left.

If SO sick of trying to do all the "right" things, yet feeling stuck as f*ck, see how it's NOT you? I did the EXACT same thing as a dedicated active woman who was only trying my best to follow expert advice! So, I used my 12 years in college, endless credentials & 21+ years experience to rewrite my story & now lead the way in helping active women just like you do the same!

Imagine when you know exactly how to work with your changing female body & not against it, leveraging the time, energy & effort you're already putting in to your nutrition, wellness & fitness:

Here's how we help you ditch misinformation, level up & feel empowered fast: When you learn the right strategies to work with your female body's uniquely changing needs, how to keep it SIMPLE, consistent & SPECIFIC to your goals & life, you can unlock your best at ANY age! We provide next-level 1:1 support & resources, saving you the time, frustrations, energy & money it took me to figure it out:

  • learn root causes & how to ditch your symptoms fast without a diet, $1,000s in bandaid supplements or meds. Most of our clients go off meds & HRT instead of on it!
  • unlock your body's natural power to be your most vibrantly energized, fit, strong & well
  • ditch counterproductive nutrition, fitness, wellness, strength, diet & run methods that work against your changing female body & make perimenopause symptoms worse
  • master our proven methods to mitigate health, fitness & hormone decline with simplicity & ease, confidently knowing WHY your female body expresses symptoms & exact steps to PREVENT them!

The 6-month Badass Breakthrough Academy experience includes:

  • an expert practitioner who considers you as a whole person to drive best results
  • email access to your coach as needed
  • access to our 3 expert coaches in our private Community so you never feel stuck
  • eight 1:1 sessions customized to your goals with printable all-in-one game plans, including nutrition, holistic wellness, fitness/run plans
  • feel your best within weeks using our simple science-based whole foods strategies
  • use our step-by-step process to restore & maximize energy, metabolism, hormones & gut health (your perimenopause foundation to feel, look or run your best at ANY age!)
  • learn via our Academy (~1 hour per week) with everything you need to thrive
  • maximize your health, nutrition, fat loss, a fit toned physique or strong injury-free running
  • 50+ videos, checklists & guides provide a practical toolkit to SUSTAIN your results
  • expert-curated strength workout videos & guides take 20 to 30 minutes, can be done at home & drive industry-leading results to stay injury free, sculpt a fit lean feminine look, ditch past injuries & get stronger than ever!
  • learn & level up faster with biweekly Q&As
  • in our Community be surrounded by motivated active women who refuse to let perimenopause suck (we're all very independent, but it's SO much easier to maximize our success together!)
  • access to supplement discounts & integrative health testing if needed (usually is not)

Seats are limited & filling fast. Don't wait to reach out & confirm we're a good fit. Lock in an incredible low investment of only $2997 or 6 x $499/month while it lasts, with renewal as low as $67/month!

Ready to save time, energy & money, preventing a need for endless research, diets, supplements, PT, holistic practitioners, fitness, nutrition &/or run coaches? Let's unlock your best with less stress!

As a woman who's tried it all, we get that reaching out isn't easy to do. We've been there, too. After reading above, I think you can see how we'll fiercely have your back. We can't wait to support you, alongside our amazing community of women ready to maximize this next phase of life!

I'm Ready For a Free 30-Minute Consult

EVERY women needs this program! As a busy Physician, it looked at the whole picture of my goals & life, with Louise doing something for women that has never been done before. At 51, I was fatigued & slowing down. Learning female-specific nutrition, wellness, strength & run plans changed EVERYTHING. I feel the most strong I ever have, as I hit PRs, my energy no longer crashes at work & I can focus again. I'm running up hills with ease, with hip & shoulder pain I was stuck with for years gone! The 1:1 coaching & Academy resources are efficient & effective, empowering you with comprehensive knowledge to maximize your success, whether you want to get stronger, look more fit or feel amazing again. Running is my happy place & now I can now do it for life!

Ann, Award-Winning Doctor

In my late 30s I was feeling fat & slow, like I was doing all the right things & it shouldn't be this hard! I lost 17 pounds, learned how to listen to my body & lean out without tedious tracking. Louise is a very response coach, creates resources as you need them & has amazing mindset, nutrition, fat loss & recovery hacks that fit my busy life!

Jen, Former U.S. Olympian

I went from terrible hot flashes, cravings, considering a hysterectomy & HRT to my strongest yet. I joined this program for myself, but when my husband & kids commented how fit I look & asked to learn the nutrition strategies I was, I realized how much female-specific nutrition & training changes EVERYTHING! Now, we're all getting healthier, more fit & stronger together. The Breaking Through Wellness ripple effect is priceless!

Cathy, Mental Health Counselor 

When I joined, I thought it was a long shot, but I was ready to fight to feel like myself again. In 2 weeks I lost weight, went from 5 hours of terrible sleep to sleeping like a baby & no longer had mood swings. My muscle definition improves weekly & heavy periods eased without an ablation or medication! Everything is so practical that, for the first time ever, I'm confident this is sustainable.

Charlotte, Nurse & Mom to 4

I was really discouraged, feeling like running was taking everything from me rather than fulfilling me. I have immense gratitude for the practical coaching, videos & handouts that explain everything. I no longer have headaches, struggle with psoriasis or lethargy! I understand why I bloat, why I get headaches & know how to keep inflammation low. I feel stronger every day & I actually look forward to running again! It took only weeks in this program to get rid of chronic pain & issues in my hip vs. years of PT that left me frustrated. Months later, I ran a 5K at a pace I hadn't seen in YEARS! When I joined I wanted to find my strength again & figure out how to handle this changing body. This program helped me do that & so much more. I feel like a whole new woman - thank you, thank you!

Cara, Busy Mom & CEO

Thank you for giving me my wife back. I couldn't stand watching her wake up at 4:30, do endless Peloton, diet, feel miserable with bloating & poor sleep. She's finally seeing results that reflect how hard she works to take care of herself & fueling her body to perform. I've lost weight & improved fitness with your tips, too! Game changers! To say this program paid for itself is an understatement. Even our kids are learning more of the right timing & types of food. It's made such a difference!

A Client's Husband :)


I didn't learn this in med school! Everything is so easy-to-follow, sharing exactly how to be energized & injury-free at any age! At an age where I'm supposed to be watching my body break down, I'm watching it get stronger as I PR my marathon in my 50s & don't need Advil afterwards because I know how to train & fuel with my female body! I highly recommend & refer out to Badass Breakthrough Academy for any active female who wants optimal health, longevity, fitness or to run strong for life!

Nancy, Sports Med Doctor

At age 32 I was near rock bottom with my hormone & gut health! I had rapid belly fat gain, intense night sweats, a hamstring injury that wouldn't quit, increased anxiety, depression & my running was diminishing. I thought I was doing everything right & didn't want to accept it was "just age." Within 1 month, I got rid of gut inflammation & my body was processing nutrition like it's supposed to. At 4 months, most hormonal issues stopped. After getting back to a healthy baseline, I lost 10 lbs. (most of it belly fat!) while building muscle & feel SO MUCH better! Reducing inflammation was finally what allowed my body to recover from an 18-month injury. Advice tailored to my activity level & symptoms was definitely the game-changer, but I got a lot out of the balanced whole foods approach, masterclasses & coached fat loss program! Now, I know how to continue to lose fat, lean out, improve my running & feel my best.

Julie, Professor & Researcher

The programs (Louise) Valentine develops exemplify the impact one can have when they move scientific findings into evidence-based practice. By working to meet women's unique physical activity, health & wellness needs, Louise is following in the footsteps other industry-leading lights like the founder of the Female Athlete Triad.

American College of Sports Medicine Practitioner of the Year 2023 Press Release

Every woman's journey is designed unique to her goals, body's needs & lifestyle to drive sustainable success: 

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